July, 2011

Create business rules online and evaluate them in any .NET code by downloading the free version of our ASP.NET and MVC XML-based super-fast business rules engine.
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July 28, 2011     Comments: 3
Even though HTML5 finally defines the "maxlength" attribute for TEXTAREA control (see the references at the end), the need to limit the length of a value and show the count to the end user is still there. In this small article I'm going to show you how to write a small JavaScript object that limits TEXTAREA value and how to implement this client object from an ASP.NET web page.
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July 14, 2011     Comments: 11
You know (or at least assume) that each JavaScript interpreter concatenates strings inefficiently if strings or string representations of any object are being joined with the "+" operator. It's fine if you just need to join the first and last names. But you really need a more efficient way to concatenate strings if, for example, you have to serialize large objects into JSON or edit XML on the client. .NET has StringBuilder, Java has StringBuffer. Let's build one in JavaScript.
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July 12, 2011     Comments: 3
Since version 2.0, the ASP.NET documentation suggests that we should keep our connection strings in the connectionStrings section of web.config. This raises a number of concerns. There is a better way...
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July 10, 2011     Comments: 5
This article discusses a JavaScript function that submits a focused web form when the user hits Enter key
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July 08, 2011     Comments: 2
Sometimes absolutely harmless actions can lead to totally unexpected conclusions. This is what happened to me when I accidentally translated Web Scheduler from English to Russian using Chrome's Translate functionality.
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July 01, 2011     Comments: 0
We Scheduler 2.0, released just several days ago, implements many new "public" and "internal" features. It's lighter, it's faster and it's CSS 3 friendly. It uses new versions of client objects built into our client framework, such as data picker, modal dialog, paging and progress bar. Several new UI features will make schedule management a bit easier as well.
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