Version of Web Rule control has been released today. This post lists all new features that were included in this version.
Originally we were planning to hold the release of the features listed below until the next major version 2.0 which is due sometime in September. But recently customers reported several important bugs. Those bugs were fixed and we felt that it's important to release the current build in order for the affected systems to be able to work properly.
New features:
- Web Rule now highlights the current element as users navigate through the rule using arrow keys or mouse clicks. Developers can set the highlight color using the new property AspControl.ColorCurrentElementHighlight. Each style theme of Web Rule includes a default highlight color. The cursor still exists but only as an indication of "edit mode" for string and numeric values.
- All context menus are now filterable. Users can type any chars, numbers, most of special chars and combination of them to filter the current menu or to bring the new one. The first item that starts with the typed char(s) will be pre-selected so users can hit Enter and move on to the next menu instead of selecting the desired item manually. This was the top most requested feature and I believe we implemented it exactly the way you guys asked us to.
- Logic of removing elements when users hit the Backspace or Delete key has been changed.
- All rule elements can be "visible" now because of the new highlighting feature. To reflect that, this version introduces two new properties that allow developers to set the CSS classes for "tab" and "new line" elements if/when users select them. Names of those new properties are AspControl.CssClassElementNewLine and AspControl.CssClassElementTab. Each style theme of Web Rule includes a default class for both elements.
- This version does not include our brand new rule engine. The engine is in testing right now and will be included in version 2.0